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Dog Trio

Dec 03

I’m writing this post a little hyped up on adrenaline at our local emergency vet. Don’t worry! It’s all a happy ending.

Let’s set a scene a little. It’s Sunday night. Snowing. My plans for the evening include playing video games, watching Disney movies, and baking banana bread.

My mom is over to play video games with us and help eat the fresh oatmeal chocolate chip banana bread. Yeah, I bet you can tell where this is going.

While we are in the other room playing games, I hear my mom ask where the banana bread is. I told her on the counter next to the sink, thinking she was looking on the oven. A short pause, then “I see a cutting board and a knife… No bread.”


Oh no. He didn’t.


I walk out to the kitchen. Sure enough, no bread. I’m a bit dumbfounded for a minute. Not even a crumb on the floor, surely enough none of my pets would have eaten that whole thing without even a crumb left.

When Trio rounded the corner, that was the most sheepish-looking border collie I have ever seen. And of course, a tiny tiny crumb of banana bread stuck on his whiskers.

Okay, okay. So he did. It was just chocolate chips, so it can’t have been a toxic level of chocolate right? And we had already eaten a few slices ourselves.

But still, with some help from the internet I determined it was just too risky to let that much chocolate sit in the stomach of my 25lb skinny boy.

Especially since, he must have eaten it very recently, as I had just had a slice maybe 15 mins earlier.

After a quick search of the house for any remaining bread (there was none) we were off to the emergency vet!

Luckily the closest is only a 10 min drive away.

By the time we got there, I estimated maybe 45-60mins since he ate an ENTIRE banana bread. Most of it still had to be in his tummy.

Well, according to the vet, he vomited a “significant amount.” She asked if he had anything else to eat like kibble, which I replied he hadn’t since breakfast. “Well then a lot of chocolate chips came up.”

PHEW. I figured even if half of it came up he would be in the clear.


So here we are, an hour later, waiting in the lobby to check out. See? Happy ending.

And I have definitely learned my lesson. Next time I do any baking, I’ll have to cool the baked goods somewhere very safe. I suggested we get a bird cage. Its just a built in enclosed cooling rack, right?!

That or hang bells from my counter. What really gets me is how QUIET he was. I have a small house. I honestly didn’t even notice him leave the room. And usually if he’s rummaging around or walking in the kitchen I tune in immediately to make sure he’s not getting into the garbage or anything else he shouldn’t be.

Well, he is a border collie. And he is definitely smart enough to know when he is doing something wrong, and how to [almost] get away with it by sneaking around.

Won’t be letting my guard down again. 🙂

3 comments so far

  1. dawn3g
    12:15 am - 12-3-2018

    Oh Trio!! So happy for the happy ending!!
    But who doesn’t love banana bread?

  2. jerry
    5:43 pm - 12-5-2018

    You crazy dawg! How are you feeling today? I’m so glad you’re OK!

    This reminds me of when our Wyatt Ray ate two Thanksgiving pies. Yeah, he survived and would no doubt do it again in a flash if given the opportunity. Let’s make sure our two boys never get together so they can plot a kitchen takeover.

    Glad you’re safe Trio, stick to kibble!

    • bbzzzztt
      6:11 pm - 12-5-2018

      He is feeling just fine- he was back to his silly self playing with the cat by the time we got home! 🙂

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